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Machine Learning: Esperanto coaxes 1092 RISC-V Processors to Dance on the Head of a Pin, er Chip | Amelia Dalton . Electronic Engineering Journal

By October 18, 2021October 19th, 2021No Comments

Dave Ditzel has a legendary history with computing and microprocessors. He joined AT&T Bell Labs to work on C language development. While there, he developed several generations of processors designed to execute optimized compiled C programs including CRISP, Bell Labs’s “C-language Reduced Instruction Set Processor.”

At Bell Labs, Ditzel also co-authored the foundational RISC document, “The Case for the Reduced Instruction Set Computer,” with UC Berkeley’s Professor David Patterson. Ditzel then joined Sun Microsystems as CTO of the SPARC Technology Business, where he led development of the SPARC RISC processor architecture and the 64-bit SPARC ISA. Oracle bought Sun Microsystems in 2010 and later discontinued corporate SPARC development in 2016. But thanks to SPARC International, the SPARC ISA continues, as fully open, non-proprietary, royalty-free IP.

Read the full article. 

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